Kingdom Jewish Messianic Confederation

What we believe

Jewish Messianic congregations are called to show the Jewish people their Jewish Messiah who has come to fulfill Bible prophecy and reveal salvation to the world.

Our two main strategic goals are:

  • The restoration of the Jewish people in the Kingdom of God and the salvation of our Jewish brothers and sisters;

  • The restoration of the fullness of the Body of Messiah.


Rabbi Boris Grisenko

is the Senior Rabbi of Kyiv Congregation since its foundation in 1995. He is serving as Head of the Union of the Jewish Messianic Congregations of Messianic Judaism since 2018. Rabbi Boris the Head of the Kingdom Jewish Messianic Confederation (KJMC).

Boris Grisenko holds an honorary Doctorate of Theology from Christian Life School of Theology. He is the author of books and publications on Messianic theology and practical ministry.

Rabbi Grisenko served as the Chairman of the Ukrainian Interchurch Council in 2016-2018. He is an ILC member with TJCII movement. A council of elders lead by a Senior Rabbi run KJMC.

Kyiv Jewish Messianic

Is our main congregation. It is comprised of more than 2000 Jews and non-Jews who believe that Yeshua is the Messiah of Israel and the whole world. It is one of the largest Jewish Messianic Congregations in the world. Home groups and prayer groups are at the core of the congregation.

Our congregations are actively involved in social and cultural work, they influence local communities and make it better for everyone.

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